What's Playing in My Ear:"Leavin"-Jesse McCartney
Ah, don't you love settling back into a school routine after four days away on a retreat? I don't.
I'm definitely going to fail my iSearch presentation later today considering I was too busy to practice my speech completely. Not to mention that I just found a bunch of errors in the final copy I turned in for about 150 points.
Fuck. I hate school.
At least I got my yearbook. I managed to come up with a better signature than last year:
You're as sweet as sugar
You're as sweet as honey
But when you're gone all summer,
Who will lend me money?
Nice poem, huh? It took me about ten minutes to come up with, but everyone loves it! Who knew that cheesy but cute poems made you a popular choice for a yearbook signature?
I was so excited about meeting other Jewish teens at the NCSY convention this week. My wish came true when I met this really cute guy at the NCSY convention who's funny, talented, and friendly, but he has a girlfriend. Story of my life.
I feel like strawberries. I know that's completely unrelated and random, but it's true. I want the strawberry patch I planted last summer to grow some berries that don't rot/grow too little/not ripen. Is that so much to ask of mother nature?!
I'm almost done with "The Mermaid Chair," which is about a married woman falling in love with a monk. How much more scandalous can you get? Wait, don't answer that...
We're also reading "Raptor Red" for Earth Science, but it's kind of like having one of those boring documentaries played on airplanes read out loud to you. I like PBS and National Geographic stuff, but this is ridiculous!
I'll just hang in tight until school is over.
Ten more days....ten more days....just ten more days....
Thats L!!
Thats L!!
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