What's Playing in My Ear:"Feel So Faraway"-Seramyu
I completely forgot how hard it is to make a misanga with yarn. I usually use thread, but I ran out and only had this yarn. Geez, my fingers hurt now. In case you're wondering, a misanga is kind of like a friendship bracelet, and it is quite popular in Brazil and Japan. Look it up. I make them every year around this time for no particular reason. :D
Is it just me, or are all my friends asking each other out? You don't ask out your friends. That's why they are FRIENDS and not DATING POTENTIAL. Ew.
Okay, so yesterday we took a field trip to the police academy and court house. (I know what you're thinking, "high school field trips?" Yes. My life is awesome like that.) We got to sit in on all these cool cases and see police training. It was so worth missing hours 1-6.
I'm going to NCSY tomorrow night. I originally did not plan on going because none of my other friends were going, but one friend who I don't see very often said that she was going and wanted me to come. Naturally, I said I'd sign up to spend some time with her because nobody else I knew was going. That was two weeks ago. I get a phone call from my friend three days before the convention saying that she decided not to go. I'm already signed up, and I'm thinking "WHAT THE FUCK? I SIGN UP BECAUSE YOU WERE GOING, AND NOW YOU'RE STANDING ME UP? COME ON!"
I hate it when your friends ditch you.
So now I'm going to a convention where I don't know anybody. This hasn't happened since I was in fifth grade.
Shoot me. Please.
I'm off to go pack.
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