Sunday, May 18, 2008

Love on the Tree-Lined Street

At the tree-lined street with young spring leaves
When I first saw that person
Something rang within my heart
Without thinking or moving, I watched him leave

During the summer that glowed with gold
He showed off his prefect somersault for me
At the tree-lined street of memories
We gazed at each other as the autumn days drifted by

But still, that person
Did not say a word to me
Even though I loved him so
More than my heart can express in words
He left me silently
My first love

1 comment:

David Alonso said...

It happened something to me very similar when he was younger. It was in the city of Uji. She was a precious and full girl of mystery. I went every day to the same place to see it. But, suddenly, a day disappeared, and still today the memory in dreams. I believe that is a type of sensorial love or something thus.

Kisses, Mara.

A RA SHI, A RA SHI, For Dream!

A RA SHI, A RA SHI, For Dream!