Today I found out what's wrong with me; I have some form of anemia, and it's been affecting me for a few years to be accurate. O.o And I thought it was stress...
I'm now on supplemental vitamins that five times the size of any normal pills, and the docs are keeping an eye on me. I just hope that it doesn't mean shots. <.< Hate 'em...
Besides that, life seems to drag itself onward. School, home, homework, family, friends, vitamins, school, home, homework, you get the idea.
The crazyrabidMaraclan is what I'm calling my small band of followers in school. Our members are now as follows:
Captain Omnipotent
Lt. Miu
Srg. Dook
Private Kino
Names are subject to change, and I plan on changing them soon, but until then, arrrrg!
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