What's Playing In My Ear:"PEACH"-Ai Otsuka
Anthony Bourdain's new season of No Reservations is on. I have only one thought: hell yes! This season, Tony seems a lot more loose, serious, and less sarcastic because he visits a lot of countries that have suffered immensly through hard times, like Laos, Columbia, and Saudi Arabia. Looks like this summer is not turning out so bad after all.
I am still looking to get my hands on a copy of New Moon before my friend spoils the entire book for me. Gawd, why must I wait for 45 other people on a library waiting list? I WANT MY VAMPIRES AND I WANT THEM NOW!
Because of all the free time and newly-found inspiration, I am writing my novel on a faster scale than ever before. Chapter 11 has just reached the meat of its plot, and this part is essential to everything that comes after. At this rate, I will finish the book before you know it.
Life is good.
I added Michelle Kwan to my "Skating Wall of Fame" last night. For those of you who are unaware, I am an avid fan of speed skating and figure skating. My favorite skaters end up on the wall over my bed at some point, hence "Skating Wall of Fame." At the moment, I have a Daisuke Takahashi collage that I made on the computer, an autographed photo of Casey Fitz, a Time Magazine article on Joey Cheek, and book clippings of Michelle Kwan. Now I need something of Apollo Anton Ono to add, and all will be well.
I want to get the 2008-2009 Arashi calendar, but....
1) No tengo una tarjeta de credito (ain't got no credit card)
2) No tengo dinero (ain't got no money) T_T
I need to get a job. FAST.
I will just have to settle for half-assed scans of the calendar that fellow rabid fangirls have distributed throughout the internet. Arashi goodness here I come!
I wish I could have traveled somewhere this summer. Everyone seems to have gone somewhere fun but me. Mum wants me to go on an NCSY service program to help children in Ukraine and Poland next summer, but I do not work well with kids, as last summer illustrated quite blatently. I do not even think that we will be able to go to Ocean City again, due to various reasons.
I will just have to settle for a bike ride to Cedarburg.
I have two friends right now who are currently not speaking to each other, and it just pisses me off. I hate getting caught in the middle of situations like these because I refuse to take sides, especially when both sides are acting just plain childish. KISS AND MAKE UP PEOPLE, IT IS NOT HARD!
I am still working on a costume to wear to the Batman opening on Thursday. Someone suggested I go as The Joker, which would be easy if I could find myself some face paint. Would I even look alright as a demonic clown? Heath Ledger did...
Clowns are creepy. 'Nuff said.
Time to go get scary.
1 comment:
The Arashi storm it flies by the world.
It does not matter that it is winter or summer,
does not matter that it is at night or by day.
the Arashi storm watchs the world.
Kiss, Mara.
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