What's Playing In My Ear:"Kitto Daijobu"-Arashi
I spent my entire day filling in as a camp counselor for my sister's bunk.
Now I remember why I decided not to work there again.
I am exhausted and cannot feel my toes. It is not that I do not enjoy spending my time chasing after a bunch of screaming miscreants, I just thought that this summer would be devoted to ME, and ME alone. So much for that brilliant plan...
Although I did not dress up as The Joker after all, The Dark Knight was AWESOME. As well as it being an awesome movie, it was even better seeing it at midnight with all of the local Batman nerds and virtually every teen in the city. The only disturbing part was getting hit on by a guy through one of his girl-pals sitting behind us. The conversation went as follows:
Girl: Hey, how old are you?
Me: Um, excuse me?
Girl: Yeah, the guy behind me wants to know so he doesn't become a pedifile when he buys you a soda.
Me: X_x
Batman nerds are SCARY PEOPLE. PERIOD.
Besides for the fact that I was nearly scarred for life, I believe that without a doubt it is the best movie of the year. There were at least four points in the movie where I thought it was over, but some sudden twist turned up making everything even cooler! I did not like Rachel's character in this one though, I was actually happy when she died. Heath Ledger was by far the creepiest man I have ever seen act in a role like this. No wonder people think this role killed him. SO what have we learned?
Christian Bale=WIN
Batman nerds=creepy sex fiends
Midnight movie releases=worth every penny
I am super-psyched that all my friends will finally be home for a good portion of the summer holidays! This summer has been considerably lonely, but I have gotten some quality time alone, something I really needed after this school year.
Well, I am on chapter twelve of my novel, getting the real story underway. Exciting, I know. I just wish that I had more time and inspiration for my work. I get writer's block quite often these days.
I just found my new favorite drama: Bambino! Bambino! is about a young guy from Hakata named Ban Shogo who leaves everything behind, dropping out of college and breaking up with his fiancée in dreams of becoming a professional Italian chef in the Baccanale fine restaurant of Tokyo. Ban Shogo is played by the über-hottie from Arashi, Jun Matsumoto, which is how I found out about it in the first place. This drama envokes tears, laughter, and makes you really re-evaluate people's lives and dreams. I think you should get off your butt and head over to crunchyroll and watch it!
I have been thinking of some kind of drastic change to apply to myself. This year has really been about self-discovery for me, and I think that I am finally learning about myself and finding out what kind of person I want to become. I feel that I have really grown this year, and especially over this summer. I want to find some kind of way to reflect the changes and express how I feel about the future. I also really want to surprise everyone when school starts again. I thought of cutting my hair, but I do not really want to part with my hair. Maybe dye it? Perhaps I need some other drastic surprise... Any ideas?
Well, I need to go back to the piano. If I want to get any better, I have to put in the time. At this point, it is a rivalry between my older brother and myself, as it has been since I was born. HUZZAH!
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