How can this phone not be love at first sight?
What's Playing In My Ear:"Iris"-The Goo Goo DollsSummer flies by like water falling through my cupped hands. How I wish that I could save these moments forever. SUMMER, SLOW DOWN, DAMMIT!
I attended my first Sweet Sixteen party, and it turned out much more fun than I expected. I got a few looks from some guys, saw my friends, and found out that I have an inner hillbilly just itching to get out (I won the hoe-down contest). The only things that bugged me were:
A) I kept getting hit on by this one friend of mine
B) My hair went from straight to curly in just an hour of dancing
I also had my first slow-dance, but it was just with a friend. I don't like him or anything, it was kind of funny, actually.
My parents finally gave in and got me a new phone.....WITH TEXTING!!!!!! LG RUMOR, silver and green, camera, full keyboard, bluetooth, fun ringtones, and to top it off, I found a 1GB memory card for $9.95 to boot!
High phone bills, here I come.
I have actually been texting quite a bit, seeing as I strained a ligament in my foot this past weekend. I spent my last day with advil, ice, a footrest, and a marathon of "The Secret Life of the American Teenager."
Worst Acting EVER.
At least I had a chance to catch up on my writing. I'm almost done with chapter twelve, where a lot of drama takes place. This summer has really been good to my fans. :D
I'm not quite sure what's been bothering me lately, but I have been feeling a bit blue. Maybe it's because last week I was constantly with my friends, but now I've spent most of this week by myself. I guess I just got a bit lonely is all, I mean, when you're off your feet it's tough to socialize. I used the opportunity to clean my room and finish reading this really interesting book called "Nine Parts of Desire: The Hidden World of Muslim Women." Now I'm reading "Queste," the latest "Septimus Heap" series book.
Maybe I need to meditate or something similar to divert my bad energy. Or I could cook, and by "cook" I mean "attempt to prepare some kind of food and end up causing an explosion."
Yeah, let's stick to meditation or Tai Chi.
Well, I'm off to change my Ace bandage, don't wait up for me. I'll be here....alone....
Damn, I need crutches or something to get me out of the house.
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