Tuesday, October 03, 2006

生命は雌犬である (Life is a Bitch)

I got my math test back, and I have to make corrections if I want those five extra credit points. Maaaaaaan, I hate being responsible.... >.<
I felt like crap today after a full 25 hours of fasting, and none of the teachers were forgiving about it. They were all like "Gee, you've gotta wake up, girl!" I wanted to flatten their noses in so badly. At least we get to the good stuff now: pre-chemistry, French revolution, Spanish infinitives, balanced equations, sleep deprivation (health class), and "To Kill A Mockingbird." (Although I've already read it five times) I missed homecoming, but I don't really care. I heard that it was just a lot of making out, and dirty dancing to hip-hop crap. Frankly, I had more fun staying home and blowing up potatoes. D:
Life somehow slugs itself forward, as much as I want to hit a pause button. "Our mistakes make us better and blahblahblah..."

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A RA SHI, A RA SHI, For Dream!

A RA SHI, A RA SHI, For Dream!