What's Playing in My Ear: "Makes Me Wonder"- Maroon 5
Long time no post, eh?
Overall, I have to say that freshman year was amazing. Much better than I expected at first. I made so many friends, and learned a lot about life and how long it takes to piss off Randy by poking at his bangs. :D
It feels like ages that I was a scared little eighth grader standing outside the school doors, my hair flowing in the September wind, not knowing what to expect once I entered inside, and yet, it seems like it was only yesterday at the same time. I've really grown from this experience and I feel like a changed person for the better. I'm a froshmore! XD
School's out for the summer as of 10:40, and I quote Loiben "...It feels pretty damn good." I'm not quite sure what I'm going to be doing. Probably drivers ed. and being a bit of a lump. >_> Maybe I'll be a camp counselor again and get rabies from all of the little kids that find it's funny to bite me! X_x
I want to get some more writing in now that I have all of this free time to spare. It doesn't necessarily have to be my novel, but maybe a few poems and stuff like that. It'd also be helpful to brush up on my cooking skills. The last time I cooked something, the fire department didn't even bother coming. I know everyone there on a first-name basis...
Enjoy your freedom! Love you all!